

Students loading samples into the gel during a lab project
批判性思维. 领导. 团队建设. 网络. 社区服务.
这些只是奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院奖学金提供的部分技能. 我们与一些世界顶级制药和健康科学组织合作,为下一代领导者做好准备.

A fellowship is a win-win situation. 行业药剂师组织(Industry Pharmacists Organizations, IPhO) 2022年的一项分析报告称,对于奖学金赞助商来说,奖学金是一种卓有成效的人才获取策略, with 62 percent of fellows retained by the company.

无论你是在奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院还是在合作公司总部工作, 通过ACPHS奖学金,您可以在行业中获得竞争优势,并开启一个利润丰厚、令人满意的职业生涯.


ACPHS致力于建立一个强大的奖学金项目,为进入工业界创造强大的渠道. 如果您对我们已建立的奖学金计划有任何疑问或在申请过程中需要帮助, 请联系 Bernie Tyrrell, 奖学金主任.

This two-year fellowship in biomanufacturing is a collaboration of with 教廷全球, FDA Office of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment (OPMA) and Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学. 

全球制药公司与监管机构和学术机构的合作为研究员提供了丰富而有益的经验. 除了, 这三个合作伙伴利用各自的优势和共同的目标,在两年的时间里创造出引人注目的项目.


欲了解更多,请访问 教廷全球.

FDA药品生产评估办公室(OPMA)确保在产品生命周期内始终如一地生产高质量药品. For more information, please visit the FDA Office of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment (OPMA).


  • 的 dates for submitting applications will be listed prior to the new search starting

该研究金将提供实际经验,并接触到医疗事务部门的各个职能领域, 包括培训, 医疗信息, 以及医疗通讯, during a two-year US Medical Affairs Fellowship Program at Ascendis Pharma, focusing on rare disease endocrinology.

This hybrid position is based in Princeton, NJ. This role is required to be on-site at least two days per week.

主要职责 & 职责:


  • 获得全球十大赌博靠谱的平台我们的疾病状态、产品和/或研究药物的全面培训
  • 在培训和医疗信息中为内部和外部教育需求开发科学内容, inclusive of field resources and scientific response letters.
  • 研究和锚定科学内容,并通过医学和推广审查委员会程序参与其审查.
  • Learn how to identify resource opportunities and evaluate vendor capabilities, 包括供应商选择, budget planning and project management.
  • Experience and participate in product launch preparation to fulfill a business strategy.
  • 协助现场和内部医疗团队成员的入职和知识提升活动


  • 参与培训和其他针对区域医学科学家(RMS/医学科学联络-MSL)活动的计划和项目推进.
  • Assess 医疗信息 inquiries and write standard response letters.
  • Attend one congress, participate in booth coverage, and review response metrics.
  • Achieve a thorough understanding of good publication planning process, while gaining knowledge in the tactical execution of publications, including collaborating with external authors on abstracts, 海报展示, and slides for platform presentations, as well as the preparation of papers for journal publications.
  • 为科学出版发展进程提供医学写作和编辑支持.
  • Create a self-directed publication or poster and present it at a professional meeting.
  • Describe the operational aspects of clinical trial design from startup, 通过执行, 和收尾.


  • PharmD degree from an ACPE accredited institution is required.


  • 优秀的口头和书面沟通能力,道德,专业和领导素质
  • Strong passion for science with an interest in the biopharmaceutical industry
  • 优秀的时间管理能力,能够遵守计划并按时完成任务
  • Demonstrates a positive work ethic
  • Demonstrates the ability to work both independently and collaboratively

创新药物警戒奖学金是一个研究生培训计划,旨在培训药剂师的药物警戒, with research and field‐based medication safety learning opportunities. 的 program provides two (2) year fellowships. 

A new approach to pharmacovigilance training, it launched in 2021 as a collaboration between pharmacists, safety scientists and data scientists from academia, industry and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 的 fellowship distributes training activities over a two‐year period including 12 months at a life sciences company; four months at ACPHS; and eight months at the FDA.

Designed to build on a pharmacist’s core knowledge, 该奖学金强调强化培训和能力发展的三个主要领域:

  • 药物警戒
  • 药物安全
  • 数据科学

Typical activities include safety surveillance and adverse event reporting, monitoring safety and quality of patient care and medication use systems, 并对 FDA’s adverse event reporting system (FAERS) data.

欲了解更多,请访问 BeiGene.

Crinetics 质量保证(QA)奖学金提供两(2)年全面的实际操作生物制药培训,并在快速发展的生物制药公司中培养学习环境.

的 fellow pairs with QA leaders to support initiatives, provide QA oversight for various clinical trials and study teams, and work cross-functionally with all departments. 合作环境为研究员提供了一个持久的网络,并接触到药物开发过程的各个方面.


  • Support and participate in GxP activities
  • Develop tools for tracking key performance indicators, 创建KPI指标图表, and collect KPI data from records and the QA team.
  • 跟踪年度审计计划的状态和进度,确保审计工作按时完成.
  • Ensure accurate filing of GxP audit records, 调查报告, associated corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs), 和偏差.  
  • 协助GxP检查准备活动,包括跟踪和安排故事板开发和评审.
  • Work with QA team to identify enhancements to Vendor tracker, 认可供应商名单, 以及其他跟踪工具.
  • Assist Document Control with formatting, preparation and review of controlled procedures within the EDMS.
  • 与QA团队协作,确定需要改进的业务流程和领域,并实施适当的方法和工具来提高效率.
  • Support EDMS System Administrator with user testing of system configuration changes.


  • 意向书
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (LOR) submitted via email directly from each reference.
  • 简历(CV)
  • Unofficial pharmacy school transcripts
  • 候选人认为对面试委员会有用的任何其他材料都可以提交.


  • 的 dates for submitting applications will be listed prior to the new search starting.
  • Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis upon application review. Early application submission is highly encouraged. All rounds of interviews will be conducted virtually.
Students using a mortar and pestle to mix compounding ingredients
奖学金 are a talent pipeline for organizations.


ACPHS正在寻求在多个治疗领域和技术的研究和技术前沿的高度创新的赞助商,与从全国范围内根据其学术成就筛选的研究员合作, 有领导的动机和能力.  

我们努力为有才华的药学博士和博士毕业生提供充满活力的机会和指导,以过渡到生物制药领域, life science and biotechnology space. 

同伴的承诺, 赞助商和ACPHS确保在行业中取得有意义的成功,并最终改善患者的生活.

Let’s discuss further how we can partner.
Aerial image of Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学

是什么让奥尔巴尼如此特别? Albany is the capital city of the state of New York. Centrally located, it’s also the perfect access point. Here you can revel in historic sites, natural beauty and diverse food options: a perfect juxtaposition of the past, 现在和将来.

从奥尔巴尼, you can enjoy beautiful mountains, 湖泊, 河流和小溪, as well as easy access to New York City, 波士顿和蒙特利尔, 加拿大.

ACPHS位于毗邻奥尔巴尼医疗中心等区域卫生保健支柱的医疗走廊上, St. 彼得的健康伙伴, Albany Stratton VA Medical Center and some of the very best providers in the Northeast.

你是否喜欢徒步旅行, 在乡村骑自行车, or catch a show and enjoy a delicious dinner downtown, 奥尔巴尼真的拥有一切.


Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学
106 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208